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Thank you for your interest in being apart of 2025 with Waterman's Family Farm!  
We have so many fun things in store this year and we are excited to grow our arts, crafts and food vendor portion of our festivals.
This will be a juried show and we will do our best to limit competing items to optimize the shopping experience for everyone. In order to do this, we need you to fill out this application to the best of your ability and give us as much detail as possible.

If a required field* does not apply to you, enter N/A. The Form will not submit without an answer.
Contact the Operations Manager
if you have any questions regarding this application. 
Market: 317-357-2989 
7010 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46239


Payment for festivals is not due until final vendors are selected. 

Arts, Craft, and More
Vendor Description:*

If a
required field* does not apply to you, enter N/A. The Form will not submit without an answer.

 If you do not have a website with pictures of your products please email your pictures or bring samples of your product by the Market @ 7010 East Raymond Street, Indianapolis, IN 46239

Food Vendor  Description*
If a
required field* does not apply to you, enter N/A. The Form will not submit without an answer.

Please describe the Food Items you plan to sell at the Festival. List item names, portion size, ingredients, preparation*

By signing this you agree to all terms and conditions set forth by Waterman's Family Farm*

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Green Farm

Get to know us

Bruce and Carol Waterman opened their doors in 1978 to the public, and have been growing ever since.

Main Address:

7010 East Raymond St.

Indianapolis, IN 46239

Call us today
317-356-6995 (Recorded)

317-357-2989 (More Info)

Markets open 9am-7pm daily


Years farming

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